Saturday 11 October 2014

In ancient times, astrologers were beheaded for not alerting the emperors in advance about eclipses

In ancient times, astrologers were beheaded for not alerting the emperors in advance about eclipses. Don’t fear the ‘Blood Moon’ that’s currently infecting the web, but if you find yourself on the correct moonward facing hemisphere of the planet, do get out and observe the total lunar eclipse coming right up on the morning of Wednesday, October 8th. This is the second and final total lunar eclipse of 2014, and the second of four in a quartet series of lunar eclipses known as a tetrad.
Eclipses were taken as negative omens. It's true; they're not the greatest days for important new beginnings or advancing one's material affairs. On the other hand, there is really no need to make them into dreaded events. In fact, eclipses are wonderful for introspection, meditation, cleaning house, letting go of old baggage, quiet time or any other spiritual pursuit. The idea of paying attention to eclipses, or any astrological event for that matter, is simply to harmonize your action with the spiritual astrological weather.
We feel this time is ideal to have a path clearing meditation. You may place your order via the link:
Please remember to focus on your goals for the duration of the meditation. This will help improve the energies.
If you feel you want to do more to help clear your path, then you can order your Personalised affirmation
“It’s important to be aware of the fact that your Karma can change your Kismat...You have the ability to change your destiny by changing your actions” (Dr Arti Jangra p.hD).
Eclipses can be used on different levels as well. The most common way to use an eclipse in astrology is as an omen or sign portending global trends or events. Typically, because the eclipse is caused by a shadow passing across the Sun or the Moon, it is taken as an indication of negative events, suggesting problems for particular countries, leaders, or some aspect of world politics. On the other hand, eclipses can also be used for individuals. With the power of spirituality we can overcome these negative effects.
Please note you can use this perfect timing to help clear your aura.
In the course of the ordinary activities of day to day life, eclipses should be avoided for important new beginnings in material areas. If you are thinking about starting a business, getting married, approaching your boss for a promotion, or proposing to your girlfriend, then an eclipse is not the time to do it. On the other hand, if you are thinking about going camping, going on a retreat, starting psychotherapy, ending a relationship, quitting a job, cleaning house, or just spending some quiet time, then an eclipse can be a good time to start.
In the decision making process eclipses come in handy as well. If, for example, you find your dream house, or someone makes you a job offer at the time of an eclipse, it is generally a good idea to leave it. Things which you are presented with at this time are usually either short-lived or develop unforeseen problems later. If the thing that you are deciding is of an introspective or spiritual nature, however, then the eclipse might indicate a positive outcome. This information is generic, for a personalised reading please contact us on so we can help you in detail.
The recommended activity during an eclipse is meditation, or possibly the chanting of an appropriate mantra for the Nakshatra in which the eclipse is occurring. Please refer to the following notes of upcoming eclipses for appropriate mantras for specific eclipses.
Total Lunar Eclipse, October 8, 2014 at 3:50 am PDT
21 degrees Pisces in Revati Nakshatra
On October 8th, there will be a total Lunar Eclipse at 21 degrees of Pisces. The eclipse takes place in the nakshatra of Revati, ruled by the deity Pushan. Pushan was the caretaker of the travelers, the caretaker of the animals, and the caretaker of the souls who are departing the body at the time of death. So this period is not a particularly favorable period for pets, but it is a great time for travel, especially if is spiritually oriented travel. As for leaving the body, it’s good for that too, I suppose, if you happen to be a yogi and are planning on consciously sloughing off the mortal coil at that time. Jupiter aspects the eclipse from Cancer and gives lots of support.
The kismatkarma mantra for this eclipse is Om Shri Revati Nakshatra Devataye Namah
 Partial Solar Eclipse will take place on the October 23, 2014 at 2:56 pm PDT
6 degrees Libra in Chitra Nakshatra
There will be partial solar eclipse on October 23rd, at 6 degrees of Libra, in Chitra Nakshatra. This eclipse exactly eclipses Venus as well, so I would suggest that you wait for at least 6 days after the eclipse to begin any important creative projects or projects related to houses. Chitra is ruled by Visvakarma, the celestial architect. It is also connected with arts, crafts, and design in general. Avoid beginning important activities related to these things too.
The kismatkarma Mantra for this eclipse is Om Shri Chitra Nakshatra Devataye Namah
 Love Light and Happiness

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