Tuesday 31 March 2015

Kismatkarma explains April 4th 2015, Eclipse, Grahan, Blood Moon

Whats happening on April 4th 2015? 


This Total Lunar Eclipse or "Blood Moon", is on April 4, 2015 and will be visible in most of North America, South America, Asia and parts of Australia. The Moon will be totally eclipsed (totality) for about 5 minutes. From beginning to end, it will last for 3 hours and 29 mins. This is the third eclipse in the 2014–2015 tetrad.

Why not harness the energy of the cosmos for a path clearing meditation. This spiritual energy meditation will both protect you and energize your efforts for Clearing your path of obstacles and hurdles. Single meditation lasts one month, the meditations will start from the first new moon after your booking. http://www.kismatkarma.com/distant-meditations/

What is a Blood Moon?

A lunar eclipse occurs when the earth passes between the sun and the moon. This blocks the sun’s rays from reflecting off the moon as normal. However, some of the sun’s rays curve around the earth causing the moon to appear red during a total eclipse. Because of its vivid color, a total lunar eclipse is often referred to by NASA as a Blood Red Moon. The occurrence of blood moons is quite common, normally happening at least twice per year. Most of us have seen the moon when its appearance has changed to red. When four blood moons happen in close succession, NASA refers to this as a tetrad. Tetrads are rather rare, only taking place fifty-five times since 1 AD.

Why not harness the energy of the cosmos for a path clearing meditation. This spiritual energy meditation will both protect you and energize your efforts for Clearing your path of obstacles and hurdles. Single meditation lasts one month, the meditations will start from the first new moon after your booking. http://www.kismatkarma.com/distant-meditations/

How long will it last?
The total eclipse of the full moon on April 4, 2015 will last less than five minutes, making it the shortest total lunar eclipse of the 21st century.

Why not harness the energy of the cosmos for a path clearing meditation. This spiritual energy meditation will both protect you and energize your efforts for Clearing your path of obstacles and hurdles. Single meditation lasts one month, the meditations will start from the first new moon after your booking. http://www.kismatkarma.com/distant-meditations/

What could this mean for you?
A lunar eclipse occurs at 8:06AM ET at 14 degrees 24 minutes of Libra. In Libra, we’re concerned with fairness, justice, and equality, and if we don’t see that, we do everything we can to get it. Unfair laws can be struck down, rulings against equality are overturned, and we fight to defend the defenseless. We shine a light on the corruption in justice systems, and focus on what needs to be changed. We want more peace and harmony with these eclipses. This lunar eclipse is sextile (positive aspect) transit (moving) Jupiter in Leo, and we try to stay positive, looking at the brighter side of gloomy situations. This eclipse is also opposite transit Uranus in Aries, and we fight as hard as we can to be who we are and to have the freedom we desire, but our differences may be hard to accept. This eclipse is also square (hard aspect) transit Pluto in Capricorn, and we take down our oppressors, work to take control, and resist authority. If you're a Libra Sun, Moon, or mid-Libra rising, you may feel the effects of this moon most.

Why not harness the energy of the cosmos for a path clearing meditation. This spiritual energy meditation will both protect you and energize your efforts for Clearing your path of obstacles and hurdles. Single meditation lasts one month, the meditations will start from the first new moon after your booking. http://www.kismatkarma.com/distant-meditations/

What spiritual precautions can we take?
During the time of Grahan, any auspicious activity is not performed. This custom is followed before the time of Grahan as well. As per astrology, a particular duration before Grahan and the during Grahan is known as “Sutak”. But, before talking about Sutak, let’s talk about the mythological reason of occurrence of Grahan.

Kismatkarma: Story Behind Surya & Chandra Grahan
The world from the origin has been divided into two major segments the “good” and the “evil”. The Surya (Sun) and Chandra (Moon) are two Gods who are still worshiped in today’s time. But, what could be the reason that they have been related to inauspiciousness?
As per the holy scriptures, it is described that at the time of Samudra Manthan (churning of the milk ocean), when everything submerged under water, the Devtas (God) and Asuras (Demon) together brought back everything into existence. There was an equal distribution of the things among the two, but Amrit (immortality potion) was stolen by Asuras.
Hence, to get Amrit back, Lord Vishnu in the form of Mohini, a beautiful Apsara captivated the attention of Asuras and successfully gained back the Amrit. She started distributing the “Amrit” among the Devtas. Rahu, one of the Asura, understood the trick and sat in between Surya and Chandra. But soon Chandra and Surya realized that Rahu was not one of them.
Hence, Mohini (Bhagwan Vishnu) aggravated by the act beheaded Rahu. Since then, it is believed that Rahu (in the form of snake) retaliates and indulges in war with the Sun and Moon periodically and therefore, Grahan takes place.
Now, when you know the legend associated with eclipse, let’s move further and talk about Sutak and effects of Grahan.
Why not harness the energy of the cosmos for a path clearing meditation. This spiritual energy meditation will both protect you and energize your efforts for Clearing your path of obstacles and hurdles. Single meditation lasts one month, the meditations will start from the first new moon after your booking. http://www.kismatkarma.com/distant-meditations/
Kismatkarma: Relationship Between Sutak & Grahan
Sutak is the time under which no good things are done, as this duration is considered unfavorable. Usually, it is believed that during the time of Sutak, one should prohibit from eating and drinking. Sutak is usually observed 12 hours before the Surya Grahan and 9 hours before the Chandra Grahan.
Note: Sutak is applicable in those areas only where Grahan or eclipse is visible.
Why not harness the energy of the cosmos for a path clearing meditation. This spiritual energy meditation will both protect you and energize your efforts for Clearing your path of obstacles and hurdles. Single meditation lasts one month, the meditations will start from the first new moon after your booking. http://www.kismatkarma.com/distant-meditations/
Kismatkarma: Things To Avoid During Grahan & Sutak
There are some things, which need to be avoided during the time of Grahan and Sutak. These simple things can be kept in mind for all eclipses:
  • One should avoid having solids or liquids (exception for sick, old and infant).
  • No food item should be stored and eaten after the Grahan or eclipse.
  • Use of cosmetics should be avoided.
  • One should avoid entering in temple and touching the idols.
  • Pregnant ladies are advised to stay indoors and avoid eating during this time because this time might affect the child’s health and disabilities could occur. To avoid the malefic effects of Grahan, pregnant ladies should apply a thin paste of Cow Dung/ Sandalwood on their stomach.
  • One should take a shower or bath when the Grahan/ Eclipse ends.
  • Why not harness the energy of the cosmos for a path clearing meditation. This spiritual energy meditation will both protect you and energize your efforts for Clearing your path of obstacles and hurdles. Single meditation lasts one month, the meditations will start from the first new moon after your booking. http://www.kismatkarma.com/distant-meditations/

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