Thursday 30 April 2015

Nepal Earthquake Appeal

As the days pass, the devastation caused by Saturday's earthquake in Nepal continues. The danger of falling buildings is now joined by the many other complications that follow such disasters; lack of food and shelter and the growing risk of disease caused by poor sanitation.

As many of you have heard through various media, on Saturday 25 April a massive 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck Nepal. It severely shook the lives of at least 5.3m people and left many homeless.  Nepal’s major cities, including the capital Kathmandu, have been badly damaged and rural areas near the epicentre have been completely cut off by avalanches.

Already over 3000 people have been confirmed dead and the figure is likely to rise significantly in the coming days. Even those whose homes are still standing are sleeping in the streets because they are terrified by regular aftershocks. So many people have lost everything.

Kismatkarma are trying their best to help the people through our Heal the Planet pledge. We promise that 100% of your donation will go directly to the people who need it. 

Many Charities take a cut or percentage from your donations and keep it as an admin fee. However, at Kismatkarma we believe Charity means Charity... We want to give 100% of what you donate to help the people in Nepal.

Please donate generously,


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