Tuesday 9 June 2015

Kismatkarma Meditation

Kismatkarma Meditation

At Kismatkarma we understand meditation is an ancient technique for relaxing, and it comes in a variety of forms. Some focus on breathing; others on an object, like a flame or a bowl of water. Mindfulness meditation adds on the directive to be attentive to feelings of gratitude and not to be a mean person. There’s even a form that makes the orgasm the focus in reaching a meditative state.

If you are interested in a Personalized Meditation 121 with our Medical Herbalist, Chromotherapy healer and Reiki Master then please visit http://www.kismatkarma.com/holistic-healing-services/ to book your one to one meditation today.

Everyone knows the amazing spiritual benefits of meditation. More clarity, more presence, more awareness, more connectedness, more groundedness, and greater insight. The list of emotional and physical benefits of meditation is literally endless. There have been countless studies done on the health benefits of meditation, but this by far is the most prestigious and significant meditation study to date.

If you are interested in a Personalized Meditation 121 with our Medical Herbalist, Chromotherapy healer and Reiki Master then please visit http://www.kismatkarma.com/holistic-healing-services/ to book your one to one meditation today.

A study from the American Heart Association found that regular meditation twice a day was correlated with a 48% reduced rate of heart attack and stroke immediately. With cardiovascular disease currently being the leading cause of death in the world, these findings have never been more important.

If you are interested in a Personalized Meditation 121 with our Medical Herbalist, Chromotherapy healer and Reiki Master then please visit http://www.kismatkarma.com/holistic-healing-services/ to book your one to one meditation today.

Happy Healing

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