Sunday 16 June 2013

Key to Understanding Numerology Meanings

Numerology charts are made up of the following numbers: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11 and 22. In order to determine which number applies to you, you must add up the digits that make up your birth date or name. This sum is further reduced by consequently adding up the resulting digits until a single digit answer (or the numbers 11 or 22) is achieved. If at anytime during the equation, you come up with the numbers 11 or 22, you do not need to reduce them. The most important aspect of Numerology is determining your Life Path, which involves adding up the digits of your birth date. The example to the right explains further how to add up your digits.

Numerology is the study of numbers that helps determine and reflect a persons characteristics, talents, motivations and path in life. Letters of the alphabet also can be represented by certain numbers, and thus the sum of numbers in your name as well as your birth date have a direct cosmic relation to themselves, and to who you are. Numerology experts are able to determine key points in people lives, and moments in which to make major moves and decisions, such as traveling, investing and marriage.

Key to Understanding Numerology Meanings:

Odd numbers are masculine. Even numbers are feminine. When I say masculine and feminine, I’m not talking about a specific gender. I mean the "traits" of masculine and feminine energy within us all.

Masculine: active, creative, thrusting, and cold

Feminine: passive, receptive, yielding and warm

Masculine and feminine tendencies are visible in both sexes. In fact, many numerology numbers for women are very masculine (included mine), and visa versa. We all know men who are gentle and nurturing. And, we also know women who are aggressive and cold.

The very strong tendencies of the numbers in numerology towards the masculine even now, indicates how the world is out of balance. The shift to balance began over 100 years ago with the women's movement. A lot of the turmoil we're experiencing in the world right now is a universal attempt to bring the earth into sync with the new Aquarian Age. Numerology meanings will shift as our consciousness shifts. The nurturing power of the feminine will become revered again as it was before, during the time of the Goddess.

Numerology numbers range from 1 to 9. The numbers 11 and 22 result in numerology calculations also, and should be reduced to 2 (1 + 1) and 4 (2 + 2). Numerologists work with 1 to 9, 11 & 22.

Numerology Basics

Numerology meanings seem to have found there beginnings with Pythagoras, a Greek philosopher and mathematician, born in 570 BC. But, the idea of numbers and their spiritual significance was practiced heavily by our ancient ancestors in Mesoamerica simultaneously. The ancient Maya felt the universe, ages or cycles...everything could be broken down into numbers. Numbers were sacred and alive.

The magic of numerology takes your name or date of birth and reduces them down to single digits. Each digit from 1 to 9 has its own tendencies. The resultant number is said to reveal your key personality.

But the power of numerology meanings takes it a step further by considering the values of each number in your birthday. Most often your personality contains dominant and sub-dominant essences of several numbers. This showing where you are balanced and imbalanced.

Yet another step of refinement comes when you take your name and birth date numbers both. Your name has power and is not an accident. It reveals hidden clues you may not have been aware of. There could be a reason you don't like your name. This article will show you how to gain a better understand of yourself or another through numerology meanings.

The Life Path is the most important number in your numerology chart and is derived from your date of birth.

It reveals your most fulfilling direction and the major lessons you are here to learn during this lifetime. This number gives a broad outline of the opportunities and challenges you will encounter and the personal traits that will assist you on this journey.

The positive aspects of the Life Path number are the helpful skills and abilities you possess, and the negative aspects of the number are traits you must learn to balance.

Determining Your Life Path Number :

Your Life Path number is derived from the sum total of the digits that make up your birth date. Begin by converting the month, day, and birth year to *single digits and adding them together. The total sum is further reduced by adding the remaining digits together until a *single digit is obtained. 

[*The exception to this rule is with the 'Master Numbers' 11 and 22 - i.e. November the 11th month, birthdays on the 11th or 22nd, or sum totals of 11 or 22. These numbers are not converted to single digits.] 

Your Personal Year number is a strong indication of the trends and circumstances you will experience during the year ahead. 

Your Personal Year cycles are based on the Universal Year cycles and therefore run concurrent with the calendar year. 

There are nine personal year numbers, which makes up a complete Epicycle. Each Epicycle reveals the progression or evolution of a specific part of your growth. Your progress along this Epicycle can be seen very logically, from the infancy or beginning of a growth period in your life, to the conclusion or culmination of that process. 

The 1 Personal Year indicates your first steps in a new direction. The years that follow indicate your progress along this path, concluding with your 9 Personal Year, which completes the cycle.

The influence of the Personal Year begins in January and ends in December. The year's energy and influence peeks around September, after which the number for the coming year begins to be felt.

Finding Your Personal Year Number

To find your Personal Year number for any given year, add the month and the day of your birth, plus the Universal Year number for that year (i.e. 2009).

For example, someone born on June 27 finds his or her Personal Year number for 2009 by adding 6 (June) plus 9 (the twenty-seventh day) plus 2 (2009) to arrive at a Personal Year number of 26, which is reduced to 8. 

Another way to illustrate this formula is shown below:

The Personal Year in this example is 6 + 9 + 2 = 17, which is reduced to 8.

*When calculating your Personal Year number, always reduce Master numbers 11 and 22 to single-digit numbers because they do not apply to the Personal Year Cycle and are reduced to 2 and 4 respectively. 

The Kismatkarma Numerology Compatibility lets you easily calculate your compatibility to someone else based on your Life Path numbers. 

How It Works

We calculate both Life Path numbers using the same method as the Kismatkarma Life Path number calculator. For example Jan. 25, 1973 becomes: (Jan = 1) + (25 = 2 + 5 = 7) + (1973 = 1 + 9 + 7 + 3 = 20 = 2 + 0 = 2) = (1 + 7 + 2 = 10 = 1 + 0 = 1) = 1. 

We then offer the write-up for those Life Path numbers. Keep in mind that the Life Path number is generalized, a personalised report will provide much greater detail that is specific to you.