Tuesday 26 June 2018

Full Moon Energy

Full Moon Energy

In just 2 days, you’ll have the golden opportunity to ignite epic transformation and overflowing abundance in every area of your life.
On Thursday, June 28th, the magnificent Full Moon will take to the skies at 6° Capricorn.
Full Moons mark a time of release, healing, abundance and celebration. Just as it tugs on the tides, the Moon governs your inner waters, calling upon you to release any negative emotions, fears or energies not serving your highest self to make room for new growth and opportunities...
And it happens just as we’re about to sail into a “9” Universal Month (7+2+0+1+8=18; 1+8=9), the number of completion and release. 
The message behind this Capricorn Full Moon is loud and clear…

When you intimately understand yourself and learn to tap into the abundant powers of the Universe, you can manifest whatever your heart desires in 2018.
And it’s not too late!
The ambitious billy goat that rules this timely lunation is here to remind you that there is only one way left to go this year - straight up!
To make sure you make the most of this powerful transitionary period, we recommend you book your Psychic reading today 07832029329! 
Make the most of this Universal energy. This is the best time to book your Auric meditation for the coming year.
Do not miss out on this great opportunity to improve your energy, use the energy of the universe to enhance your own!
At Kismatkarma we understand you may not be able to follow Spiritual practice at this time, this is why we have specially designed meditation to help you in your efforts.
Following spiritual practice helps to nullify the effect of the increased Negative energy in the environment.
Which Distant Meditation Is Best For You?
Basic Spiritual Energy Meditations
The person may still be affected by the adverse spiritual effect of the negative Energy. As your Karma can not be removed by our basic meditations. If you feel your Spirituality level is strong then you may benefit from our basic meditations.
Intense Spiritual Energy Meditations
This is to counteract the rise in Negative energy, there is infinite divine energy in the Universe that can be accessed by individuals through our intense meditations. If you feel your Spirituality level is medium, then you may benefit from this specially designed meditation. Please note this Meditation will not surpass the effects of your Karma.
Grand Master Spiritual Energy Meditations
People who make the effort to do intense spiritual practice during their lifetime may benefit from our Grand Master Meditations to help increase their spiritually. This specially designed meditation is very powerful it may benefit you if you feel negative energy around you and feel your spirituality level is very weak due to negative energies.