Tuesday 23 January 2018

January 31st, activating a incredibly rare 11-11-11 abundance portal


As you already know, we're well into a brand new "11" Universal Year(2+0+1+8=11).
On January 20th, the Sun shifted into Aquarius, ruler of the 11th House of the Zodiac…
And on January 31st, the magnificent Full Moon will take to the sky at 11° Leo, activating an incredibly rare 11-11-11 abundance portal.
The message is loud and clear. You are co-creating with the Universe and have the ability to manifest whatever your heart desires in 2018
Brace yourself for January 31st, when we will witness an incredibly rare event – a Super Blue Blood Moon.
 What makes this Full Moon so special?
In a nutshell, three major celestial events occurring at the same time: a super moon, a blue moon and a blood moon or total lunar eclipse.
A Supermoon occurs when a full moon coincides with the moon reaching the closest distance to the Earth (its perigree) in its orbit around the planet. The moon therefore appears larger in the sky.
A Blue Moon refers to the rare occurrence (as per the saying ‘once is a blue moon’) when there are two full moons in one calendar month. January 31st marks the second full moon in January.
A Total Lunar Eclipse (also known as a Blood Moon) occurs when the Earth passes directly between the sun and the moon, blocking the sun’s light and making the moon appear deep red.
The last time that North America experienced this rare phenomenon was 150 years ago!
What will this mean to me?
Spiritually, the combination of these three super events, each which have great spiritual significance themselves, will bring huge changes to our lives as a result of a dramatic energy shift.
Full Moons have always been known as a time of ripening and harvest. Spiritually, it is a time when our subconscious thoughts, hopes and fears all come to the surface and reveal themselves through impulsive changes and decisions.  As the moon wanes, it asks you to release any negative emotions to make way for new opportunities. With the Full Moon on the 31st being a Super Blue Moon, and coinciding with the powerful energy shift of the Lunar Eclipse, brace yourself to receive a very intense extra dose of this powerful lunar energy.
What can I do?
In order to achieve the greatest benefits from this phenomena, it is necessary to face the uncertainty and embrace the unexpected changes coming your way. We should not fight this powerful energy, even if it may feel rather unsettling, as only then can we honour our true selves.
With this rare lunar energy comes the desire to speak the truth – honour it.
Embrace your uniqueness and potential as Aquarius reminds you that there is nobody else quite like you – believe in yourself and stay true to who you are.
In order to this, you need to really get to know yourself – only then can you release these parts of you that have been holding you back.
Don’t fear the uncertainty – embrace it. Give yourself space from distractions to allow a transformation to take place. Acknowledge your needs.
Make the most of this Universal energy. This is the best time to book your Auric meditation for the coming year.
Do not miss out on this great opportunity to improve your energy, use the energy of the universe to enhance your own!
At Kismatkarma we understand you may not be able to follow Spiritual practice at this time, this is why we have specially designed meditation to help you in your efforts.
Following spiritual practice helps to nullify the effect of the increased Negative energy in the environment.
Intense Spiritual Energy Meditations
This is to counteract the rise in Negative energy, there is infinite divine energy in the Universe that can be accessed by individuals through our intense meditations. If you feel your Spirituality level is medium, then you may benefit from this specially designed meditation. Please note this Meditation will not surpass the effects of your Karma.
Grand Master Spiritual Energy Meditations
People who make the effort to do intense spiritual practice during their lifetime may benefit from our Grand Master Meditations to help increase their spiritually. This specially designed meditation is very powerful it may benefit you if you feel negative energy around you and feel your spirituality level is very weak due to negative energies.